The Organization

The Grain Shed is a worker and farmer owned cooperative. Our focus on being and environmental and human centered organization has lead us to earning a B Corp certification. We continue to build our business around the creation of top quality baked goods, beer, and food utilizing locally grown produce first and foremost has made for something truly special!

Our Cooperative status also means that our workers have the opportunity to become vested financial owners of The Grain Shed, accessing profit sharing, the ability to run for our Board of Directors, and more.

All of our employees, whether owners or not, are able to access our company health insurance plan, dental plan, sick leave, and vacation leave.

If you are interested in working for The Grain Shed, do not hesitate to shoot us an email to any of the emails listed below based on your job interest, or drop a physical resume by to any of our locations.

Bakery Contact: Shaun Thompson Duffy -

Front of House Contact: Toby Carroll -

Brewery Contact: Teddy Benson -

Taproom Contact: Dave Honeycutt -

Open Positions